Why Engineering Leaders Choose configure8

The smart choice for helping your engineering team build better software faster.

Accelerate Velocity via Self-Serve Actions

In the day-to-day grind of software development, developers are often caught between a rock and a hard place: the rock being the complexity required to create and operate the infrastructure that powers their code and the hard place being insufficient abstraction from that complexity. This dilemma creates a cycle of dependency where developers must constantly submit tickets for even the smallest of tasks related to creating something new or executing common “day 2” operations.

TicketOps not only squanders your Ops team’s time with a relentless stream of mundane, repetitive requests but also ensnares developers in lengthy wait times while their tickets are processed, which disrupts developers’ concentration and blocks their velocity. This logjam prolongs feature delivery timelines and depresses morale. Worse, without a library of templates that predefine the right way to execute a common operation, organizations face elevated risks of deployment mishaps, inconsistent patterns, and security issues.

Self-Serve Actions by configure8 enables your developers to easily discover and use pre-defined actions. Our no-code UI abstracts away the complexity of discovering and using pre-defined actions while leveraging your existing tool chain and approval, validation, and execution processes.

Benefits of Self-Serve Actions

Organizational Benefits

  • 30% faster time to market

  • Increased consistency

Developer Benefits

  • 0 minute wait times for infrastructure changes

Platform Engineer Benefits

  • Dramatic reductions in ticket volume and increased adoption of reusable templates

  • Eliminates significant maintenance overhead

Achieve High Standards with Scorecards

Stop struggling with inconsistent, outdated or hard-to-measure standards. Use Scorecards by configure8 to define, measure, and improve compliance with reliability, security, and architecture standards, all with unrivaled ease and flexibility. Your team can even programmatically prevent CI/CD deployments when the service is not meeting internal standards.

Scorecard Benefits

Organizational Benefits

  • Nearly 60% faster completion of org-wide initiatives

  • Increases in compliance with security, architecture, and reliability standards

Developer Benefits

  • Improvements in developer satisfaction thanks to clear guidance about the next best action to improve a service, why this action matters, and how to accomplish it

Platform Engineer Benefits

  • Lower TCO for an enterprise-grade solution

Get Organized!

With configure8’s Universal Catalog, your team can quickly and easily build a living sociotechnical knowledge map of your team and software – your applications, their services, data pipelines and ML jobs, environments, and cloud resources – and key information about each item, all in one place.

Organizational Benefits

  • Reduces incident MTTR

  • Accelerates new developer onboarding and training

  • Creates stable knowledge artifact ahead of employee churn

  • Lays a powerful foundation for analytics and insights

Developer Benefits

  • Alleviates on-call stress

  • Helpful guidance on next best action to improve compliance

  • Faster time to first productive commit

  • Reduced cognitive load from everything in one place

Platform Engineer Benefits

  • Minimal set-up and maintenance overhead

  • Reduces TCO of your IDP

  • Reduced cognitive load (versus navigating cloud consoles and tools)

Boost Your Cloud Compute Efficiency Through Transparency

Don’t let your cloud costs spiral because your engineers lack optics into the costs of running the code they own.

With configure8, you can enable your engineers to see the cloud computing costs associated with the code they own, drill into cost drivers, and understand resource configuration settings, linkages, and dependent environments and services. Then, they can use configure8’s Self-Serve Actions to instantly implement cost-saving changes, all while leveraging consistent patterns and guardrails you define.

configure8 also strengthens your team’s partnership with finance. Enable FinOps to align costs with your system’s architecture. In an upcoming version, configure8 will also enable you to link your cloud costs to business metrics, like cost per customer, unit, query or endpoint, and track this over time. Now, engineering and finance can understand cloud cost changes tied to growth versus changes in efficiency.

Organizational Benefits

  • Improvements in cloud computing efficiency

Developer Benefits

  • Optics into the costs they control

  • Empowered to improve cost efficiency within defined guardrails

Platform Engineer Benefits

  • Reduced ticket volume and greater consistency as developers self-service improvements in cloud efficiency

What Makes configure8 Unique

More Knowledge = More Power

Unmatched breadth and depth of information enables you to solve more problems fast


  • Enable developers to execute day 2 operations without hunting for resource settings

  • Show developers the cost and cost drivers of the services they own

  • Create security scorecards that automap resource-level vulnerabilities to impacted service owners

  • Automatically update developers’ access to Actions and Catalog Items when they change teams

Flexibility Without Complexity

  • Ingest data from any source, schematize it, relate it to other items, transform it with custom calculations, and present it using customizable widgets, tabs, and tables

  • Create dashboards and metrics to suit your stakeholders' needs via custom charts and tables as well as custom calculations

  • Customize the look and feel of configure8 to match your enterprise’s brand identity

  • All the enterprise features (RBAC, SCIM/SSO, Self-Hosted or SaaS, robust APIs, etc.)

Lower Total Cost of Ownership

  • Quick time to value thanks to rapid data ingestion and auto mapping

  • Low maintenance burden thanks to automated drift avoidance

  • Consultative solutions engineering to accelerate time to value and ensure your success

Get Started in Minutes!

See how easy it is to get started in our documentation.

Single-click integrations with your cloud(s) and tools

Automation to organize your sociotechnical knowledge map

No code UI to make defining scorecards and populating your self-serve actions library a breeze